Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Messiah?

I came across a very interesting web site this morning making claims that Barack Obama is the messiah. He has not said it in his own words, but several people including Fararrakhan, the leader of the Nation of Islam in the United States, have called him the messiah.

I found the articles on this blog to be very informative and thorough in giving their sources. Obviously they are making an impact as many of the links mysteriously vanished after being covered in this blog. I realize I should cover both sides of this story, but have not found a site excepts that will deny Obama as messiah. If anyone reading this post knows of one I'll be happy to add it as a full blog entry.

This was one of the most interesting entries on the site:

Not that the rest of it wasn't worth reading.

I don't really care who you vote for, but I hope this will persuade you that voting for Obama is a bad idea.

1 comment:

Alise said...

How can one say that Farrakhan is specifically referring to Obama as the messiah in that speech? He could just as easily be referring to his own messiah.

If Obama hasn't called himself the messiah (something Jesus never had any problem doing), how can we ascribe the beliefs of others to him? If one cannot prove a negative, how could anyone make a site that "proves" that Obama isn't the messiah?

Obama is a Christian. Why would a blossoming messiah choose to align himself with a faith that already HAS a messiah?