If you are looking for fairly random ramblings of a rather average guy who happens to be a Grandfather, Soccer Dad, Pastor, and Expert in Hardware and Firmware, you have found the right blog. This blog will have a variety of posts from how my kids performed in their soccer games, ballet, basketball, or acting; to how I fixed a problem on a server, or repaired my car, or played with my kids, or sermon notes.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Wienermobile Sighting
We spotted the Wienermobile on Highway 63 just at the end of our road toady. This was very exciting.
I was on my way to get the fuel pump for my car when the Wienermobile passed us on the highway. I got a really lucky shot at it with my MotoQ.
what a quick shot you are! great!
I love it! The Wienermobile is one of the happiest things in the world! Great pic!
I spotted the weinermobile first I wished the kids were with me Elijah would have enjoyed it I was impressed that he actually got the picture.
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